WaterMoc One Power Corp
WaterMoc One Power Corp (WaterMoc) is an Aboriginal-owned, New Brunswick-based business which aims to commercialize a river turbine technology that is purported to be more efficient and ecologically safer than alternatives.
The company created a first prototype of their technology and needed technical and financial assistance to build and test a second prototype. The Smart Grid Innovation Network (SGIN) provided the company with initial guidance on grid integration of their technology and identified an expert from the Smart Grid Research Lab at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) to assist in R&D work. Prior to building the second prototype, UNB provided consulting on the product development from proof-of-concept to prototyping, and to commercialization. Different potential applications were identified, including wastewater and run-of-the river energy generation. With the City of Fredericton showing interest for hosting a pilot project at Barker’s street waste water treatment facility, WaterMoc decided to build the second a prototype tailored to this market.
Prior to purchase any component, models and data sheets were extensively consulted, and models were simulated to ensure the best and most robust operation. The design and the manufacturing of the water turbine and the gearbox was completed by the company’s engineer and the UNB expert in August 2017. The next step was to select the optimal generator and rectifier/charge controller for the waterwheel in a wastewater operational environment. Initial testing of the characteristic of the permanent magnet generator were conducted at UNB to match the turbine dimensions with the right generator power. The assembling of the generator with the power converter was finished late September 2017. In collaboration with the City of Fredericton, the team finalized the preparation of the site to host the waterwheel generator pilot plant. The installation was completed in fall 2017 and tests were performed to verify the performance of the system.
For more information about how the Smart Grid Innovation Network can help your company build a “Smart Grid Ready Product”, please fill the vendor application form or contact us. For more information about WaterMoc products or to request a demo, please contact their team.
Tel: +1506.440.0244