Saint John Energy
325 Simms Road
Saint John NB
E2M 3L6
Jessica Delong, Manager & Stakeholder Relations
Saint John Energy is a progressive energy company providing trusted energy solutions to residential and business customers in Saint John, New Brunswick. Locally owned and operated since 1922, it is one of the highest-rated electrical utilities in Canada for reliability and customer satisfaction and holds the coveted Sustainable Electricity Company designation. Its commitment to innovation has earned it national and international acclaim, including an Award of Excellence from the International Smart Grid Action Network for innovation and a Clean50 Award for outstanding commitment to sustainability.
- Appliances
- Application Hosting
- Artificial Intelligence
- Asset Management
- Automation controls for Distribution Feeder and Substation
- Billing
- Business Process
- Communications
- Control and Protection
- Control Devices
- Customer level
- Customer Relations Management
- Cyber Security
- Cyber Security
- Cyber-threats
- Data Analytics and Modeling
- Data Stores
- Device Communications
- Devices and technologies
- Digital System Modelling
- Digital Twins
- Distribution Generation Control
- Distribution level
- Distribution System Monitoring
- Electrical (battery)
- Energy/Grid Digital Networks
- Enterprise Service Bus
- Grid Systems Application Support
- Grid Systems Hosting
- Hardware Installation
- Heating
- Home Control
- Hosting Infrastructure
- Hydrogen
- Information Models
- Integration
- IT Outsourcing
- Legal and Regulatory Matters
- Loads (Smart connected/ controlled)
- Manage time-based rate structures
- Meters
- Network Outsourcing
- Non-emitting Generation (Smart -connected / controlled)
- Operate Distributed Generation Programs
- Operate distributed storage programs
- Operate Electrical Mobility Charging programs
- Operate load aggregation services
- Operate Residential Demand Side Management Programs
- Operations
- Policy; Programs and Strategic Advice
- Project Engineering and IT
- Provides technologies to segments of the Smart Energy Sector
- Reporting and Visualization
- Research and Development
- Security
- Smart Energy Operator
- Smart Energy Strategic Advice
- Smart Grid Backbone
- Software
- Software and Simulation
- Solar
- Storage
- Storage Control
- Systems Integration
- Systems Operation
- Temperature
- Thermal (heat pump; hot water)
- Utility Services - Engineering; Operations; and Asset Management
- Ventilation
- Wind
- Workforce Management