University of Moncton

18 Antonine-Maillet Ave, Moncton, NB E1A 3E9

Pauline Roy

Agente d’innovation – Bureau de soutien à l’innovation (BSI)
Faculté des études supérieures et de la recherche (FESR)
Université de Moncton

c) 506.874.6767 



The Faculty of Engineering offers solid training to students leading them to a stimulating, rewarding and challenging career or to graduate studies. The placement rate for people who have obtained their engineering degree is over 95%.

Undergraduate programs are offered in civil engineering, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering according to the regular profile, the cooperative regime. The Faculty also offers the master’s program and the doctoral program in the fields of civil engineering, electrical engineering, industrial engineering and mechanical engineering.

Its research centers, its state-of-the-art laboratories and the sustained commitment of its professors contribute to the excellence of the research and training of its nearly 400 students.

  • Climate change and energy communication and education; sustainability planning and implementation services
  • Consulting
  • Education and Training
  • Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Training
  • Engineering Design
  • General
  • General
  • IT Education and training
  • Smart Energy Education and training