SGIN Board Vendor Seat – Accepting Applications!
The Smart Grid Innovation Network Canada is a network of leaders in the Canadian smart energy sector. By fostering Canada’s transition to clean energy, we will help build stronger, more resilient communities and a sustainable economy.
SGIN supports Canada’s clean energy transition by advocating for the smart energy sector. Through education, vendor support, business model innovation and smart grid technology, we will leverage our position in the Canadian energy sector to create impact. We are dedicated to building a clean energy future for the benefit of all Canadians.
SGIN was founded to advocate for the many benefits of smart, clean energy in Canada. As a non-profit, member-driven organization, we promise to:
- Act as leaders, modeling the changes we work towards;
- Remain focused on providing a benefit to society;
- Dedicate ourselves to open and fact-based information sharing;
- Encourage diversity of perspective in the clean and smart energy space;
- Operate on a non-partisan basis;
- Take a holistic system design approach to solving problems through education, vendor support, technology and business model solutions.
SGIN is looking for a volunteer to join the Board of Directors – Vendor seat and represent SGIN in industry activities. Please note: Seats are reserved for Class A voting members and preference will be given to Energy Champion level members. Please see below for the nomination terms. Please check back for updates as we open each nomination period.
2022-2023 seats open for nomination:
- Vendor Seat – Term: December 2022 – June 2023
Please note: Seat titles are meant to represent the expertise of the individual in the seat, not their employment status. Diversity is a strong consideration as we select Board members.
To submit an application, please complete the form below and provide a resume and cover letter highlighting your interest in the SGIN Board of Directors by Nov. 25th 2022